When you lose a tooth or multiple teeth, you will notice it changes the look of your smile and affects the functions of your oral health. At St. Marys Dental Center, you can receive customized dental restorations for tooth replacement, from dental implants and dentures to different types of dental bridges. We invite you to learn more about your options... read more »
While permanent teeth are strong, they can still be lost to gum disease and injury, which can affect your speech and bite force, which may also alter your facial shape. St. Marys Dental Center can help you regain your smile with customized dentures. To learn more about the process of denture creation for a beautiful new smile, we have provided... read more »
                              Building a better smile begins with building a better prevention plan. Keeping your smile safe from numerous risk factors that can destroy your smile is extremely important, so your smile can continue to thrive. One particular condition you should be mindful of is periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a condition in which the gum... read more »
One of the most extensive and popular options for tooth replacement is dentures, which are natural-looking dental appliances of artificial teeth that enable our team at St. Marys Dental Center to easily and efficiently restore missing teeth in your smile. Below, we have listed the uses of dentures that can benefit your smile and oral health: – You can customize... read more »
Are you involved in any physical activities that can put your mouth at risk? If your smile is at risk of suffering from severe dental damage or facial trauma, you will want to use a mouth guard. Furthermore, not only is a mouth guard important, but the care and treatment you give your mouth guard is essential to ensure it... read more »
Due to the continual concerns involved with dental damage, it is important to make sure you are always protecting your smile at every chance possible. The more you do to protect your teeth and gums from outside influence, the better chance your smile has for thriving for the rest of your life. Be aware that the habits and products... read more »
A tooth can often sometimes be fractured by an accidental blow to the mouth or some other form of oral trauma. At the same time introducing foreign objects to your mouth by chewing on desktop items, or using your teeth to open a package, can also fracture a tooth. In many dental fractures cases, our dentists, Drs. Jay W. Hildreth,... read more »
If you are considering receiving dental veneers, we invite you to review the following information about this cosmetic treatment: What are dental veneers? These custom-made tooth-colored shells cover the front side of your teeth and can improve the appearance of your smile and your confidence if you have unwanted flaws that you would like to correct. What flaws can dental... read more »
Poor oral hygiene practices can cause plaque and bacterial matter to build up in your mouth. If it occurs on a frequent basis the chronic presence of plaque acids in your mouth can gradually start to affect the mineral density of your tooth enamel. As this starts to happen you might notice tooth sensitivity problems and the possible development of... read more »
From time to time bleeding gums mean your gums are slightly irritated, but other times bloody gums mean that something extra serious. It’s important that you don’t delay in caring for your bloody gums before your disease turns graver. Think about the following if you’ve observed any blood in your gums for a while now. Could your medicine be triggering... read more »