Word Definitions for Basic Categories of Teeth

In order to have an effective conversation with your dentist about your mouth, it helps to be familiar with basic dental vocabulary. That’s why we’ve provided you with a series of word definitions to evaluate: Let’s review four basic categories of teeth: Incisors: These are your sharp, chisel-shaped front teeth.There are four on the top arch and four below. Canines... read more »

Is Your Diet Healthy for Your Smile?

To give yourself a healthy smile, you will want to maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine along with a balanced diet. For excellent dental health, we recommend eating a variety of foods, while limiting those high in sugars and starches. At St. Marys Dental Center, our dentist recommends a balanced diet to boost your oral health in St. Marys, Kansas. Sugary, starchy... read more »

Dental Implants Are An Amazing Way to Restore Your Missing Teeth

Have you recently lost one or more teeth? You’ll want to replace them as soon as possible. And your best bet may be a dental implant. Here’s why: -Dental implants act the same way that your normal teeth do. Unlike adjusting to dentures, you will not suffer any speech impediments or experience any discomfort while chewing your food. -Dental implants... read more »

Three Advantages of Flossing

You probably know how vital flossing is to your oral health. But do you thoroughly understand the reasons why? Dr. Jay Hildreth and our dental team would be happy to clarify about the many benefits of flossing: -Flossing averts plaque buildup. Brushing helps remove plaque from your smile, yes, but the brush can’t properly clean the spaces between your teeth.... read more »

The Excitement of a Better Smile Awaits with Sugarless Chewing Gum

If you are looking to elevate and enhance your smile, sugarless gum may be an unseen option you may want to consider. Despite the fact that the ingredients in sugarless gum have little effect on your smile, it is possible that chewing gum will increase saliva production in your mouth, which is a known cavity-fighter. The excitement of a better... read more »

The Pain of Toothaches

A toothache can stop anyone in their tracks. That is why understanding the cause of, and seeking treatment for a toothache is essential when you experience one. Here at St. Marys Dental Center in St. Marys, Kansas, our team cares for your oral health, which is why we are happy to give you this basic information on treating toothaches. When... read more »

Canker Sores 101

You may have experienced or currently have an irritating canker sore, which are small white or gray sores with a red border inside your mouth. These often make talking and eating uncomfortable. St. Marys Dental Center wants to give you a better understanding of the mystery surrounding this annoying, small ulcer, and ways to prevent and treat them. There are... read more »

All About Tooth Loss

There’s a lot you should know about tooth loss if you want to avoid it. Find out about tooth loss risk factors, statistics, and prevention techniques below. Tooth loss is a common global problem. According to the World Health Organization, globally, approximately 30 percent of people 65–74 have lost all their natural teeth. About 13 percent of current smokers are... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at St. Marys Dental Center, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these... read more »