Some Things to Know About Bloody Gums

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From time to time bleeding gums mean your gums are slightly irritated, but other times bloody gums mean that something extra serious. It’s important that you don’t delay in caring for your bloody gums before your disease turns graver. Think about the following if you’ve observed any blood in your gums for a while now.

Could your medicine be triggering your bleeding gums? Some aspirins thin blood, resulting in increased bleeding in the gums and other places. A few prescription medications can also cause your gums to bleed. If you have been practicing great oral hygiene for a while and your gums started bleeding only recently, it’s probable that medication is the cause. Let Dr. Jay Hildreth know what medicines you’re taking.

Have you visited our office in a while? One of the most important and most powerful ways to foil bleeding gums is to receive a professional oral cleaning at least once every six months. Severe diseases like tartar accumulation and gum disease can only be treated by a dental professional, so please ensure that you visit the dentist regularly.

At St. Marys Dental Center, we want you to have the healthiest mouth possible, and that means caring for any bleeding gums. Are you ready for your next visit in our St. Marys, Kansas, office? Call 785-437-2771 now and we’ll get you penciled in for a cleaning.